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General national economic measures


*small business relief or other financial support

*VAT relief

*Loan repayment holiday

*income support for employees

*income support for freelance workers

*employer social security payment holiday

*tax returns and or VAT returns suspended/delayed


-In 2020, Luxembourg’s financial crisis package represented almost €9bn (14% of GDP).


-As part of a €300m plan for SMEs, subsidies of up to €500,000 could be granted in the form of repayable advances. (more info here)


-Direct and non-refundable grants of €5,000 to companies with less than 9 employees that had to close because of the crisis. 


-New loan guarantee scheme with €2,5bn enveloppe and loans guaranteed by the state up to 85%. 


-Moratorium on loan repayments. 


-Relaxed conditions for reimbursing loans/credits and payment of social security contributions. 


-Simplified temporary unemployment for companies which were closed because of measures due to the crisis. In that case the state covered 80% of the salaries up to 250% of the minimum wage. 


-Business were allowed to file requests for cancellation of the first two quarterly tax payments for 2020 (for corporate income and municipal business taxes).


-Penalties lifted for late VAT declarations.


-Quicker reimbursement of VAT. 


More information here and here,or on the Ministry of Economy webpage here


National measures specific to the music sector or to culture in general


The music sector can benefit from the above-mentioned general measures.


On top of this, specific measures were introduced for the cultural sector: 


-Social assistance for struggling professional artists and cultural workers up to minimum wage. 


-20 days of additional daily allowance on top of the 121 usually foreseen for “intermittents du spectacle”.


-The coronavirus period was frozen, which meant it wouldn't be taken into account for calculating the period of reference which opens cultural workers’ rights. 


-Subsidies granted for projects which had to be cancelled due to the crisis could be maintained, subject to part of the money going to artists due to perform as part of these projects as initially planned. 


More information, see the Ministry of Culture FAQ here


Measures taken by local collecting society organisations


None so far.


Other music funds available


None so far.


Support from online services

No specific support for Luxembourg so far. For other initiatives by online services, click here.


Support from national radio and other media


None so far.


Social media campaign to promote music during the crisis


None so far.


Local programmes supported by EU funds covering music


None so far


Business and other expected losses


Still under evaluation.


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